Selected Publications & Presentations
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Cleveland, D.A.; Jay, J.A.; O'Shea, J.; Shaked, S. (2025) Even one person's food choices affect the whole planet. Newsweek. ARTICLE ON LINE. Cleveland, D.A.; Jay, J.A. (2024) Plant-based v. omnivorous diets: comparative environmental impacts. In The Plant-Based and Vegan Handbook: Psychological and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Athanassakis,Y.; Larue, R.; O’Donohue, W., eds., pp. 493-514. Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-63082-8. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-63083-5_30. CHAPTER ON LINE.
Wharton, C.;
Cloonan, S.; Boronowsky,
R.D.; Magesh, V.; Braverman,
Marquez, A.; Leidy,
H.; Wang, M.C.;
Cleveland. D.A.;
Jay, J.A.;
Changing the default
meal option at
university events to
reduce harmful
environmental impacts:
six randomized
controlled trials. Appetite
200:07572. DOI:
ON LINE. Soleri,
Castillo Cisneros, M.
del C.; Aragón
Cleveland, D.A.
(2024). Maize
cuisine on the move in the 21st
century. Persistence and migration
of tejate, a traditional
Mesoamerican maize and cacao
In Mesquite
Pods to Mezcal: 10,000
Years of Oaxacan Cuisines,
Pérez Rodríguez,
S., eds. pp. 307-331.
Austin, Texas: University of Texas
(© 2024 University of
Texas Press). Cleveland, D.A. (2023) Maximizing the environmental co-benefits of reducing sugar consumption by eliminating pouring rights contracts (PRCs). 2023 Sugar Reduction Summit, Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2023 April 25. PRESENTATION PDF. Cleveland,
D.A. (2023)
contracts and
impact, and
solutions. Advocating
for a
Center for
Science in the
2023 February
Soleri, D.; Cleveland, D.A.; Aragón Cuevas, F.; Jimenez, V.; Wang, M.C. (2023) Globalization, traditional beverages, migration, and public and planetary health: the case of tejate, a traditional Oaxacan maize and cacao beverage in Oaxacalifornia. Challenges 14(1):9. DOI:10.3390/challe14010009. ARTICLE ON LINE. Cleveland, D.A. (2023) What's to eat and drink on campus? Public and planetary health, public higher education, and the public good. Nutrients 15(1):196. DOI:10.3390/nu15010196. ARTICLE ON LINE.
D.; Cleveland, D.A.;
Smith, S.E.
(2023) Food
gardens for sustainable diets. In Routledge
of Sustainable Diets, Kevany, K.;
Prosperi, P., eds., pp. 281-293. New York,
& Oxon, UK: Routledge. DOI:
2023 The
authors). Boronowsky, R.D.; Zhang, A.W.;
Stecher, C.; Presley, K.; Mathur, M.B.; Cleveland, D.A.;
Garnett, E.; Wharton, C.; Brown, D.; Meier, A.; Wang,
M.C.; Braverman, I.; Jay, J.A. (2022) Plant-based
default nudges effectively increase the sustainability
of catered meals on college campuses: Three randomized
controlled trials. Frontiers in
Sustainable Food Systems 6:1001157.
DOI:10.3389/fsufs.2022.1001157. ARTICLE ON LINE. Soleri D.; Castillo Cisneros, M. del C.; Aragón Cuevas, F.; Cleveland D.A. (2022) El tejate: a través del tiempo y el espacio. In La comida oaxaqueña. De la época prehispánica a la actualidad. Arqueología Mexicana, núm. 173:42-49. EXCERPT ON LINE. AM 173 with complete article ON LINE. English version PDF. Meisterling,
K.; Vo, J.;
Garvey, K.A.; Brown, H.E.; Tumbleson, M.T.; Cleveland, D.A.
(2022) Healthy beverage initiatives: A case study of scenarios
for optimizing their environmental benefits on a
university campus. Cleaner and Responsible
Consumption 4:100049. DOI:10.1016/j.clrc.2022.100049. ARTICLE ON LINE. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON LINE.
Data set on Dryad: DOI:
10.25349/D98K65. Bartley, S.; Fuss, N.; Vo, J.;
Cleveland, D.A. (2021) Sweet beverage impacts on the
community. Santa Barbara Independent. ARTICLE PDF. Garvey, K.; Vo, J.; Cleveland,
D.A. (2021) UCSB students changing the campus drink
scene. Associated Students UCSB Coastal Fund. ARTICLE PDF.
Cleveland, D.A. (2021) Interview with Jamie Lewis on CONSUMED: a podcast. Cleveland, D.A.,
Q. Gee, A. Horn,
L. Weichert, M.
Blancho. (2021) How many chickens does
it take to make an egg? Animal welfare and
environmental benefits of replacing eggs with plant
foods at the University of California, and beyond. Agriculture & Human Values
38:157-174. DOI:
10.1007/s10460-020-10148-z. ARTICLE ONLINE.
PDF (©
2020 Springer
Nature B.V.). Cleveland, D.A., J.A.
Jay. (2021) Integrating climate and food
policies in higher education: a case study of the
University of California. Climate Policy
21(1):16-32. DOI:10.1080/14693062.2020.1787939. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A., Bacon, C. (2021) Agroecology. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology, D. Gibson, editor-in-chief. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/obo/9780199830060-0117. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A., J.A. Jay (2020) Empreinte environnementale de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. In La pensée végane: 50 regards sur la condition animale, R. Larue, editor, pp. 253-269. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (PUF). ISBN:978-2-13-081901-1. Cleveland, D.A., S.E. Thottahil, J.A. Jay (2020) Higher education institutions need to include food in climate policy. Science. eLetter comment on Clark et al. 2020. eLetter online. LETTER PDF. Cleveland, D.A. (2020) The solution on our plates: why sustainable plant based diets are needed to reverse the food-climate-health-equity crisis. In Plant-Based Diets for Succulence and Sustainability, K.M. Kevany, editor, pp. 31-48. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, UK and New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138385405. CHAPTER ONLINE. CHAPTER PDF. Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland.
(2020) Genetic resources: farmer conservation and crop
management. In Landscape
and Land Capacity, Volume 2, The
Handbook of Natural Resources, Second edition,
Y.Q. Wang, editor-in-chief, pp. 113-122. Boca Raton
Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
DOI:10.1201/9780429445552. ARTICLE
S.E. Smith. (2019) Food Gardens for a Changing World.
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International. PB ISBN:978-1789240993.
chapter pdfs on line. Jay, J.A., R. D’Auria, C.
Nordby, D.A. Rice, D.A. Cleveland, A. Friscia, S.
Kissinger, M. Levis, H. Malan, D. Rajagopal, J.
Reynolds, W. Slusser, M. Wang, E. Wesel (2019)
Reduction of the carbon footprint of college freshman
diets after a food-based environmental science course. Climatic Change
154:547-564. DOI:10.1007/s10584-019-02407-8. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A. (2019) Why do people eat (so much) meat? And how can we eat (much) less? Review of Meat Makes People Powerful: A global history of the modern era, by W.J. Warren. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 8(4):215-218. DOI:10.5304/jafscd.2019.084.016. ARTICLE ONLINE. Hartman, B., D.A. Cleveland. (2018) The social factors that facilitate or constrain restoration management: watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration in the Bolivian Andes. Journal of Environmental Management 209:93-104. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.025. ARTICLE ONLINE. Chang, K.M., J.J. Hess, J.M. Balbus, J.J. Buonocore, D.A. Cleveland, M.L. Grabow, R. Neff, R. K. Saari, C. W. Tessum, P. Wilkinson, A. Woodward, R. DeBuen, K.L. Ebi. (2017) Ancillary health effects of climate mitigation scenarios as drivers of policy uptake: a review of air quality, transportation and diet co-benefits modeling studies. Environmental Research Letters 12(11):113001. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aa8f7b. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A. (2017) What’s on your plate? Why diet change is critical for successful climate, health and social policy. University of California Center Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. Policy Brief. LINKS TO VIDEO ETC. Hallström, E., Q. Gee, P.
Scarborough, D.A. Cleveland. (2017) A healthier US diet
could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from both the food
and health care systems. Climatic Change
142:199-212. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1912-5. ARTICLE
ONLINE. Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2017) Investigating farmers’ knowledge and practice regarding crop seeds: beware your assumptions! In Indigenous knowledge: Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management, P. Sillitoe, editor, pp. 158-173. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing. ISBN:9781780647050. CHAPTER PDF (© 2017 CAB International). Cleveland, D.A., Q. Gee (2017)
Plant based diets for mitigating climate change. In Vegetarian and Plant Based Diets in
Health and Disease Prevention, F. Mariotti,
editor, pp. 135-156.
DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-803968-7.00009-5. Waltham, MA:
Academic Press/Elsevier. ISBN:9780128039687. ARTICLE ONLINE. ARTICLE PDF
2017 Elsevier Inc.). Cleveland, D.A. (2017) What can "local" food do? The Equation, Blog of the Union of Concerned Scientists. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland,
D.A., N.
Phares, K.
Weatherby, W.
Radis, J.
Ballard, M.
Campagna, D.
Kurtz, K.
Livingston, G.
Riechers, K.
The potential
for urban
gardens to
greenhouse gas
emissions. Landscape
and Urban
Planning 157:365-374.
DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.07.008. ARTICLE
MATERIAL ONLINE. VISUAL SUMMARY PDF. Cleveland, D.A. (2016) Prioritizing good diets. [In Letters] Science 354(6318):1385. DOI:10.1126/science.aak9923. ARTICLE ONLINE [Comment on T. Garnett 2016] Hartman, B., D.A. Cleveland, O.A. Chadwick. (2016) Linking changes in knowledge and attitudes with successful land restoration in indigenous communities. Restoration Ecology 24(6):749-760. DOI:10.1111/rec.12347. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A., L. Copeland, G. Glasgow, M.V. McGinnis, E.R.A.N. Smith. (2016) The influence of environmentalism on attitudes toward local agriculture and urban expansion. Society and Natural Resources 29(1):88-103. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2015.1043081. ARTICLE ONLINE. [Cleveland, D.A.] (2016) On interrogating your food and why we are alive. INTERVIEW SUMMARY PDF. Web extra: Food for thought. A conversation about food. COMPLETE INTERVIEW PDF. Coastlines, Winter 2016, UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association. Cleveland, D.A. (2015) What’s on your plate? Why diet change is key for climate and food justice. Talk sponsored by Critical Issues in America, the Environmental Humanities Initiative, the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, and the College of Letters and Science, UCSB, November 10. VIDEO ONLINE. PODCAST ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A. (2015) How does food localization contribute to food system sustainability? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13(8):410-411. DOI:10.1890/15.WB.016. ARTICLE ONLINE. [Peer reviewed letter commenting on Zumkehr and Cambell 2015.] Cleveland, D.A., A. Carruth, D.N. Mazaroli. (2015) Operationalizing local food: goals, actions, and indicators for alternative food systems. Agriculture & Human Values, 32:281-297. DOI:10.1007/s10460-014-9556-9. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A., E. Hallström, Q. Gee, N. Donnelly, P. Scarborough. (2014) The potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from health care via diet change in the U.S. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA Food 2014), 8-10 October 2014, San Francisco, USA, R. Schenck and D. Huizenga, editors, pp. 233-240. Vashon, WA, USA: American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA). ARTICLE PDF. Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2014) Genetic resources: farmer conservation and crop management. DOI:10.1081/E-ENRL-12004921. In Encyclopedia of Natural Resources: Land, Y.Q. Wang, editor-in-chief, pp. 56-62. New York: Taylor and Francis. ISBN:978-1-4398-5245-3. ARTICLE PDF (© 2014 by Taylor & Francis). Cleveland, D.A., Q. Gee, E. Hallström, A. DuVall, G. French. (2014) What’s on your plate? The social justice implications of climate change and the food we eat. Santa Barbara Independent, May 8. ARTICLE ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A., N.M.
Müller, A.C. Tranovich, D.N. Mazaroli, K. Hinson.
(2014) Local food hubs for alternative food
systems: a case study from Santa Barbara County,
California. Journal
of Rural Studies 35:26-36. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.03.008.
ONLINE. Cleveland, D.A. (2014)
Resilience: Antidote for the Anthropocene. Resilience:
A Journal of the Environmental Humanities.
(2013) Balancing on a Planet:
The Future of Food and Agriculture.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
ISBN:9780520277427. Details
(and Chapter 1) at UC Press. Read Introduction. Cleveland, D.A., C.N. Radka, N.M. Müller. (2011) Localization—necessary but not sufficient. Huffington Post. ARTICLE ONLINE (© 2011, Inc.). Cleveland, D.A., C.N. Radka,
N.M. Müller, T.D. Watson, N.J. Rekstein, H.vanM.
Wright, S.E. Hollingshead. (2011) The effect of
localizing fruit and vegetable consumption on
greenhouse gas emissions and nutrition, Santa Barbara
County. Environmental
Science & Technology
45(10):4555–4562. DOI:10.1021/es1040317. ARTICLE PDF.
(© 2011 American
Chemical Society). Cleveland, D.A., C.N. Radka.
(2011) Summary of discussions at the Santa Barbara
County Agrifood Workshop: Localizing Santa
Barbara County agrifood systems—research, action and
policy, Presented by the Santa Barbara County
Agrifood Systems (SBC AFS) Research Group, 2011 May
20-2, UCSB.
C.N.; Gamsky, N.; Mastren, E.; Cleveland, D.A.;
Crouse, B.; Thomas, T.
(2011) Student
food choice and climate change: a dining hall
labeling experiment at UCSB. Report of the Santa
Barbara County Agrifood Systems Research Group,
Environmental Studies Program, UCSB. REPORT PDF.
N.; Mastren,
E.; Radka,
C.N.; Cleveland, D.A.; Crouse, B.; Thomas, T. (2011) Student food
choice and climate change: a dining hall labeling
experiment at UCSB. Presentation by the Santa
Barbara County Agrifood Systems Research Group,
Environmental Studies Program, UCSB. PRESENTATION PDF. Cleveland, D.A.
(2010) Sustainability via localization: key to
the future or.…greenwash? Investigating the
Santa Barbara County agrifood system. Sustainability
Champion faculty lecture, UCSB, October 5. POWERPOINT
PRESENTATION PDF. (© 2010 DA Cleveland) Cleveland, D.A. (2010) Who pays the price for shared social responsibility? [In Letters] Science 330:446. DOI:10.1126/science.330.6003.446-a. ARTICLE PDF (© 2010 AAAS). [Comment on Gneezy et al. 2010.] Cleveland, D.A., P. Gardinali, G. Glasgow, M. McGinnes, J. Mohr, E. Smith, M. Carney, L. Copeland. (2010) Land Use, Agriculture, and the Environment. The Central Coast Survey, September 2010. Social Science Survey Center, Benton Survey Research Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara. REPORT PDF. Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2009) Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety choice and plant selection. In Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation, S. Ceccarelli, E.P. Guimarães and E. Weltzien, editors, pp. 323-366. Rome, Italy: FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), in collaboration with ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas), Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic, and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru, India. ISBN:978-92-5-106382-8. ARTICLE PDF (© 2009 FAO). Cleveland, D.A. (2009) Indigenous environmental knowledge. In Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, J.B. Callicott and R. Frodeman, editors-in-chief, Vol. 2, pp. 318-322. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cenage Learning. ISBN:9780028661407. ARTICLE PDF (© 2009 Macmillan Reference). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F.
Aragón Cuevas. (2008) Food globalization and
local diversity: the case of tejate. Current
Anthropology 49(2):281-290. DOI:10.1086/
527562. ARTICLE
PDF; Online
text with SUPPLEMENTS (PDF version
of SUPPLEMENTS). (© 2008 by The Wenner-Gren
Foundation for Anthropological Research). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, G.E. Glasgow, S.H. Sweeney, F. Aragón Cuevas, H. Ríos Labrada, M.R. Fuentes Lopez. (2008) Testing assumptions underlying economic research on transgenic food crops for Third World farmers: evidence from Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico. Ecological Economics 67(4):667-682. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.01.031. ARTICLE PDF; SUPPLEMENT PDF (© 2008 Elsevier B.V.). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2007) Extending Darwin’s analogy: bridging differences in concepts of selection between farmers, biologists, and plant breeders. Economic Botany 61(2):121-136. DOI:10.1663/0013-0001(2007)61[121:EDABDI]2.0.CO;2. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 The New York Botanical Garden Press). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2007) Tejate: Theobroma cacao and T. bicolor in a traditional beverage from Oaxaca, Mexico. Food and Foodways 15(1-2):107-118. DOI:10.1080/07409710701260131. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2007) Farmer knowledge and scientist knowledge in sustainable agricultural development: ontology, epistemology and praxis. In Local Science versus Global Science: Approaches To Indigenous Knowledge in International Development. Pp. 211-229. P. Sillitoe, editor. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books. ISBN:978-1-84545-014-4. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 Paul Sillitoe). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F. Aragón Cuevas. (2006) Transgenic crops and crop varietal diversity: the case of maize in Mexico. BioScience 56(6):503-513. DOI:10.1641/0006-3568(2006)56[503:TCACVD]2.0.C. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences). Response from Soleri and colleagues [to Ortiz-García et al. letter], BioScience 56(9):709-710. LETTER PDF (© 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences). Lacy, S.M., D.A. Cleveland, D. Soleri. (2006) Farmer choice of sorghum varieties in southern Mali. Human Ecology 34(3):331-353. DOI:10.1007/s10745-006-9021-5. ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.). Cleveland, D.A. (2006) What kind of social science does the CGIAR, and the world, need? Culture & Agriculture 28:4-9. DOI:10.1525/cag.2006.28.1.4. ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 American Anthropological Association). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2006) Transgenic maize and Mexican maize diversity: Risky synergy? Agriculture and Human Values 23(1):27-31. DOI:10.1007/s10460-005-5863-5. ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 Springer). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri, F. Aragón Cuevas, J. Crossa, P. Gepts (2005) Detecting (trans)gene flow to landraces in centers of crop origin: lessons from the case of maize in Mexico. Environmental Biosafety Research 4(4):197-208. DOI:10.1051/ebr:2006006. ABSTRACT (English/español); ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 ISBR, EDP Sciences). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F. Aragón Cuevas, H. Ríos Labrada, M.R. Fuentes Lopez, S.H. Sweeney. (2005) Understanding the potential impact of transgenic crops in traditional agriculture: maize farmers' perspectives in Cuba, Guatemala & Mexico. Environmental Biosafety Research 4(3):141-166. DOI: 10.1051/ebr:2005019. ABSTRACT (English/español); ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 ISBR, EDP Sciences). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2005) Debate over a GM rice trial in China. [In Letters] Science 310:231-232. ARTICLE PDF [Comment on Huang et al. 2005] (© 2006 AAAS). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2005) Rethinking the risk management process for genetically engineered crop varieties in small-scale, traditionally based agriculture. Ecology and Society 10(1): 9. [published online]. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2005 the authors). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2005) Scenarios as a tool for eliciting and understanding farmers' biological knowledge. Field Methods 17(3):283-301. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2005 Sage Publications). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2004) Farmers' rights and GE crops. Anthropology News 45(4):7-8. ARTICLE HTM FILE (© 2004 American Anthropological Association). Soleri, D., D.A.
Cleveland. (2004) Farmer selection and conservation of
crop varieties.
Encyclopedia of Plant & Crop Science.
Pp. 433-438. R.M. Goodman, ed. New York: Marcel Dekker,
Marcel Dekker, Inc.). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri, editors. (2002) Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB International. BOOK AT CABI; CHAPTER ABSTRACTS ONLINE. ISBN:0851995853. Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2002) Introduction: farmers, scientists and plant breeding: knowledge, practice,and the possibilities for collaboration, in Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 1-18. DOI:10.1079/9780851995854.0001. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri,eds. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB International. ISBN:0851995853. ABSTRACT ONLINE. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 CAB International). Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, S.E. Smith, S. Ceccarelli, S. Grando, R.B. Rana, D. Rijal, H. Rios L. (2002) Understanding farmers' knowledge as the basis for collaboration with plant breeders: methodological development and examples from ongoing research in Mexico, Syria, Cuba, and Nepal. In Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 19-60. DOI:10.1079/9780851995854.0019. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri, eds. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB International. ISBN:0851995853. ABSTRACT ONLINE. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 CAB International). Ríos Labrada, H., D. Soleri, D.A. Cleveland. (2002) Conceptual changes in Cuban plant breeding in response to a national socioeconomic crisis: the example of pumpkins. In Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 213-237. DOI: 10.1079/9780851995854.0213. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri, eds. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CAB International. ISBN:0851995853. ABSTRACT ONLINE. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 CAB International). Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2002) Indigenous and scientific knowledge of plant breeding: similarities, differences, and implications for collaboration. In Participating in Development: Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge. ASA Monographs, Vol. 39. Pp. 206-234. P. Sillitoe, A. Bicker, and J. Pottier, editors. London: Routledge. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 Association of Social Anthropologists & the authors). Cleveland, D.A. (2001) Is plant breeding science objective truth or social construction? The case of yield stability. Agriculture and Human Values 18(3):250-271. DOI:10.1023/A:1011923222493. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (corrected figure) (© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers). Soleri, D., D.A.
Cleveland. (2001) Farmers' genetic perceptions regarding
their crop populations: an example with maize in the
central valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Economic
Botany 55(1):106-128. ABSTRACT;
ARTICLE PDF (© 2001 The
New York Botanical Garden Press). Cleveland, D.A., (2001)
U.S consumption deserves reappraisal. In Points of
View. 93106 (The Faculty & Staff
Newspaper, UCSB) 12(5):2. ARTICLE PDF. Cleveland, D.A., D.Soleri,
S.E. Smith. (2000) A biological framework for
understanding farmers' plant breeding. Economic
Botany 54(3):377-394. ABSTRACT;
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