On the other hand, supporting diverse local farming systems and
folk varieties as a basis for sustainable agriculture does not mean
a return to an idealized, pristine indigenous agriculture. All small-scale,
traditional systems cannot be assumed to have been sustainable in
the past, and many may not be adapted to present or future conditions.
This is because their social, biological, and physical environments
have been so greatly changed by colonialism, international markets,
population growth, environmental degradation, climate change, migration,
and international conflict. This means that in working for indigenously-based
sustainable agriculture, flexibility is essential, including adaptation
to diverse local conditions, with a major focus on local experimentation.
It also means using the most current information and techniques
from Western scientific plant breeding and agriculture, without
linking these to the profit-maximizing values and overall organization
of industrial agriculture. Perhaps most important is the empowerment
of local farmers and communities by supporting their control of
their folk varieties, farming systems, and indigenous knowledge
(Amanor et al. 1993, Cromwell et al. 1993).
Given the continuing threat to the conservation and use of folk
varieties by indigenous and small-scale farmers, specific measures
to safeguard these varieties for sustainable agriculture at the
community level may be needed. Where appropriate such measures could
- documentation
of folk varieties by farmers, in collaboration with outsiders
where appropriate, including indigenous knowledge about their
selection, cultivation and use, and genetic and agronomic characteristics
- education
of agronomists, formal plant breeders, local communities, and
in some cases local farmers and students, concerning the contribution
of folk varieties to food production, yield stability, natural
resource conservation, nutrition, history and culture
- increasing
the availability and planting of folk variety seeds through encouraging
seed exchange networks and seedbanks at the community level, and
exploring opportunities for local commercial production of folk
varieties for food and planting material
- improving
the maintenance and performance of folk varieties through collaboration
with formal plant breeders; and
- establishing
control by farm communities over their folk varieties, and indigenous
knowledge about them, through policies for seed collecting and
use of folk variety seeds, food products, names, and knowledge
by outsiders.
incorporation of folk varieties into the development of locally-based
and locally-controlled agriculture may be the best approach not
only to conserving the genetic diversity in folk varieties and the
farming systems that contain them, but to supporting sustainable
farming systems grounded in local environments and cultural values.