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Food Productionl

Environmental Studies 166FP/Geography 171FP (5 units)

David Cleveland

Prerequisite: World Agriculture, Food & Population (Env Studies 149 or Geog 161)

This course covers the biological, ecological, social, and economic theory of small-scale food production, and its application in our class garden plot, Santa Barbara County, and the rest of the world. The goal is to encourage food production that is based on both scientific and local knowledge, conserves resources, and improves nutritional, economic, and social well-being. Requirements include weekly reading assignments, weekly written lab exercises and garden journal, quizes, final project, and cultivation of a group garden plot.

Class meets in a classroom once a week, and once a week for a 4.5-hour garden lab at the UCSB Greenhouse and Garden Project, an organic two-acre garden on the UCSB campus. Each student will complete weekly lab exercises, cultivate a garden plot, and keep a garden journal. There will also be field trips to visit local farms both during the weekly lab period, and for one entire weekend day. The readings include articles from the current scientific literature and selections from Food From Dryland Gardens (provided on CD, also available as e-book on the internet).Costs covered by the lab fee for this course ($90) include lab materials, class materials (lab manual, book on CD), transport for field trips and honoraria for farmers and other guest speakers.

Small-scale Food Production class plot

All pages on this website © 2001-end of Anthropocene by David A. Cleveland